Freedom Collective's Secret Sauce

Freedom Collective's Secret Sauce

12 Episodes

Interviewing the best minds on the planet to ensure we deliver the best information, and where we dive into all the hidden secrets to keep your body, mind, and sprit - healthy and well.

Freedom Collective's Secret Sauce
  • John Niems Music - Singing Truth for over 20 years

    Episode 12

    John Neims is a singer/songwriter who has made it my mission to expose the LIES of so many official stories that the media and government have told us in the past and continue to do so today!~ My talent is to write a song that will educate and also be a catchy one that keeps you entertained and e...

  • Mindset Mastery NLP

    Episode 11

    Luke and Carol are a husband and wife team who are dedicated to your growth.Both are NLP trained. Carol has gone on to become a Master practitioner and Trainer in NLP, Timeline Therapy ®, Coaching and Hypnosis.

    Through using NLP in their private practice Carol and Luke have established a reputat...

  • Foregiveness Money, solutions to currency and debt

    Episode 9

    We are re-thinking capital, remedy processes, remedy economics, voluntary governance, relationships, how to remedy the ill-effects of the cartel-like institutions which have decimated people and domains such as: health care, education, law, housing, charity, banking, infrastructure and more.


  • Leila Roberts quantum technology and living in 5D

    Episode 8

    I love being able to lie in bed reading or watching a video.. While my Quantum tools are physically cleaning & alchemising all the thoughts, emotions, old programming & density from my body without me even thinking about it.

    I love physically feeling those blissful Trinity Source Code quantum so...

  • Juan Antonio Manzur - The Divine Spark

    Episode 7

    Our goal is to help you reconnect with your true self and ignite the divine spark within.

    Facebook Group:

    New Earth Entertainment:

  • Ascension to Atlantis With Tilly Cat

    Episode 6

    It’s all just a conspiracy 🤫 this was never silly of me to even think so! Blackrock and Vanguard have no intention of buying up flood and fire effected homes and land to build smart cities and rails. All that spraying was just to create pretty clouds for your entertainment

    Find Out ...

  • Will Keller - Freedom Under Natural Law

    Episode 5


    >> What is the meaning of government? From the Latin, "gubenare": to control, And from the Latin "mens": mind, to control the mind...

    >> What is the meaning of True Anarchy? From the Greek "an": without, And from the Greek "archon": rulers


  • GPMS Global People Monetary System

    Episode 4

    Global People Monetary System and Simplified Divine Law Is created by us, the People. Because we all are the beneficiaries, the keepers of Earth.

    For More Info:

  • Hedi Schaefer - 5D Transformational Coach

    Episode 3

    Hedi Schaefer - 5D transformational coach, here to help you turn your life to WOW, NOW!

    Seeking Holistic Life-Design For Leaders and Achievers. Are you ready to step into your purpose and power? And create yourself, your life, and the world you wish to live in?

    Find Out More:

    Website: https://...

  • Bruce Erickson - Environmentally Friendly Futurist

    Episode 2

    Bruce L. Erickson served as a researcher and consultant on the issues of creating sustainable healthy communities and bio-regions for the past 38 years. Since 2008, his focus has been the sustainability and regeneration issues in collaboration with an international team of experts for program dev...

  • Decode Your Reality with Logan Jayson

    Episode 1

    Logan Jayson - a Meta-Physician at Brainbodysoul, Research and Development Director (R & D Director) at NuStem, Inc. and Certified Nutritionist at Brainbodysoul - exploring hidden meanings behind the world we live in through Mystical Arts, Alchemy and Mathematics.

    From Thompson Connecticut, grad...

  • Finding Flow Tesla (in the beginning)

    Episode 1

    Find out from Flo what this world means, and what life is all about.